Passing variables by value in Python

1 minute read

Passing variables by value in Python

Let say you want to create a function that uses a variable from it’s outer scope. By default python creates a closure for each of these functions created and the variables are evaluated during the call to the function. And you need to be careful about these when you are coding!

for i in range(5):
    f_list.append(lambda a:print(a*i,end=','))

for f in f_list: f(5) #prints: 20,20,20,20,20,

In this example we are intended to create a list of functions that prints various multiple’s of input values. However since the variable i is passed by reference, it is not bounded until we call the functions in the second loop. Since the i is set to be for at the end of the first loop all of the functions multiply the input with 4.

So how can we evaluate the value of i during the definition and bound the variable i to its current value. One way to do it is to use named arguments with default values! A

for i in range(5):
    f_list2.append(lambda a,i=i: print(a*i,end=','))

for f in f_list2: f(5)  #prints: 0,5,10,15,20,

And it works like a charm. Please use it on your lambda or regular def functions ;)


