One Week of NYC

1 minute read

I’ve recorded what I did in a week during my first semester at NYU. I’ve gathered various activities around 5 main category.

  • Survival: Sleep, Eat, Commute,
  • Academical: Lecture, Homework, Project
  • Self Development: Individual projects, Sports, learning
  • Social: Time spent with friends, skype talks
  • Fun: Surfing, NFL, Shopping

I’ve used Python to pre-process the text data I had and save it as json file.

I've used the Andreas Dewes's Hierarchical Pie Chart for visualization.

Click slices to zoom-in, click center to zoom-out


Here is an excerpt from the raw file I’ve logged through the week

day 1 tuesday
wake 8.2
bfast 8.2 9
hwA 9 9.2
comm 9.2 9.3
web 9.3 10
hwM 10 12
comm 19.4 20.1
dinner 20.2 21
web 21 22
proj 22 22.2
hwM 22.2 23.3
web 23.3 24
sleep 24.1

I defined the hierarchy of activites and their descriptions with another text file.

-,survival,Survival Activities
-,social,Social Activites
skypeFa,Skype with Family
friends,Meeting with Friends
skypeF,Skype with Friends
skypeJ,Skype with Julia'

I’ve wrote a python script to pre-process the raw text data to a json file according to the hiearchy above. Final json file looks like the following.

["One Week of NYC", 
{"fun": ["Fun Activities", 
    {"shop": ["Shopping", 
    "web": ["Web Surfing", 
     "nfl": ["Watching NFL", 
"academic": ["Academical Activities", 